The most haunted park in the world, where many children died, is considered the most cursed place.

There are many places in the world which are considered cursed. These places are so scary that no one can muster the courage to go here. There is one such amusement park which is said to be cursed. This place is considered one of the scariest places in the world. This amusement park has been deserted for many years. It was declared haunted. The name of this scary amusement park is Shawnee Amusement Park and it is located in America.

children died
This haunted and scary park is in Princeton city of West Virginia state of America. It is said that 6 children had died in this park. Since then no one is allowed to go to this amusement park. After many years this park was also declared haunted. Excavators discovered that a cemetery was also built here.

It was discontinued in 1988
According to a report in The Sun, this park built on the banks of Shawnee Lake was opened in 1926. It was opened by businessman Conley Snido. After that this amusement park was also closed in 1988. Now the place where this park is located is considered to be a cursed land, that is why many horror stories about this place are famous.

children died
Many stories are told about this amusement park. It is said that some children had died here. Here a child drowned in the pond. After this the pond was covered with soil. A 3 year old girl was crushed by a lift in the same park. After this a boy died while swinging. In 1934, a woman was shot outside the park. Apart from this, other strange incidents happened due to which this park was closed forever.

When the excavation took place after 20 years, everyone was surprised.
It is said that excavations were carried out here 20 years after the park was closed. Many shocking things came to light during the excavation. Actually, 13 dead bodies were found in the excavation here, most of which were of small children. After this, when the team started digging more and started finding more graves, the excavation work was stopped. After this, a travel channel called it one of the scariest places in America.

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