A heart wrenching incident has come to light from Bengaluru, Karnataka. A young man entered a PG in Bengaluru and brutally murdered a girl by slitting her throat. The young man entered the PG and dragged the woman out of the room. He attacked the girl several times. The girl kept screaming and repeatedly tried to save herself, but the young man did not listen to her and fled from the spot after killing her. Hearing the girl's scream, other girls living in the PG came down the stairs and informed the police.

The police reached the spot and sent the body of the girl for postmortem. When the police searched the CCTV footage of the PG to find out the real reason behind the murder, they were shocked. The young man seen in the CCTV footage attacked the girl until she was badly injured. Taking action in this case, the police have arrested the accused from Madhya Pradesh.

Roommate's boyfriend entered the PG

After the murder, when the police reached the spot for investigation, they checked the CCTV footage of the PG. Police investigation revealed that the name of the young man seen in the CCTV footage was Abhishek. The girl whom Abhishek killed and his girlfriend used to live together.

What could be the reason for the murder?

In the initial investigation of the police, it was revealed that the accused Abhishek and his girlfriend were fighting for a long time. Due to which he was very stressed. When the police reached the spot and questioned the people, it came to light that the accused considered Kriti to be the reason for the fights between him and his girlfriend. The fight increased so much that the two broke up. The accused felt that it was at Kriti's behest that his girlfriend came to live with him in the PG, due to which the distance between them increased and they started fighting every day.

Police arrested him

The police raided the houses of the accused's family and friends to catch him and have now arrested him. On receiving the news of the incident, Kriti's family members are inconsolable. Kriti was 24 years old and hailed from Bihar. The accused used to work in a private company and had left his job.

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