In India, it was customary for husbands to donate their hard-earned money to their wives so they could take care of domestic responsibilities. The ladies divide the money between paying the servants’ salary and delivering food. This tradition is still widely practiced over most of India. You may be shocked to learn that several other nations still adhere to this tradition. Wives manage finances in Japan, and often offer their men pocket money. They also take distinct actions to put an end to their spouses’ spending. In Japan, this custom is also referred to as Kozukai.

In Japan, women oversee home finances 74% of the time, while men are solely involved in earning money. According to the article, Yoshihiro Nozawa, 36, used to pay his wife his whole income at the beginning of each month. Following that, on the fifteenth of the month, his spouse would give him pocket money of 30,000 yen, or around 16,000 rupees.

The wife said that she began overseeing the household’s finances and handling the bills after her two children, who were then six and eight years old, were born. This pocket money, known as kozukai in Japan, is given to spouses. This custom attempts to reduce the spouses’ needless spending and encourage men to be more productive.

Reports state that there are three reasons why Japanese men offer money to their spouses. First, males are expected to generate money in Japanese society, while women are occupied with home duties. As a result, they are given charge of overseeing the household’s money. The second reason is that sharing the whole amount of money encourages openness and trust in the marriage between the husband and wife. This tradition is also seen as practical since the woman may have to pay for the children’s schooling, rations, and other household expenses while she is at home with the children.

Around the globe, males handle household finances while women are employed. Effective money management is essential to maintaining household finances and preventing debt.

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