Live Hindi News (Health Corner) :- All of you must have seen some people around you who are troubled by baldness of their head and some people are troubled by itching in the body. People use many medicines to get rid of this. But even then their problem is not solved. Therefore, today we are going to tell you such a solution. By which your problem will end forever and you will not have any side effects.The plant we are going to talk about is called the Aak plant. Aak plants grow anywhere. You will find them growing on the sides of streets and roads. The Aak plant is also called Aak, Madar, Ark and Akouva. This plant is very miraculous. It cures even the biggest diseases.To get rid of itching and baldness, boil 4 leaves of this plant in mustard oil and burn them. Then filter the oil and when it cools down, mix 4 camphor tablets in it and fill it in a bottle. Apply this oil 3 times on the itchy body parts. You will start getting relief from the next day.

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