A shocking incident of rape has come to light from Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Here the director of a hospital has committed a disgusting incident like rape with a nurse. The police have registered a case on the complaint of the nurse and arrested the accused director. At the same time, further investigation has been started in the matter. It is being told that the accused has taken the nurse hostage and raped her. Later, he also threatened to kill.

The director of a private hospital raped a nurse in Kalyanpur area of ​​Kanpur. The girl was working as a nursing staff in the hospital for the last few months. On Sunday evening, the nurse had attended the party organized in the hospital on the invitation of the director. The director had asked the nurse to do night duty. Meanwhile, the director called the nurse to his room at midnight and then forced her to close the room.

Director raped a nurse

After this the director raped her. At the same time, the nurse says that after the rape, the accused had threatened her that if she told anyone about the incident, he would kill her. The nurse gathered courage and lodged a complaint against the accused at Kalyanpur police station after the incident. Police took action in the case and arrested the accused director. Meanwhile, the accused has been identified as Ishtiaq Ahmed alias Situ.

The family demanded strict punishment

Since the incident, questions have started being raised in the entire area regarding the safety of women. Local people are demanding the strictest punishment against the accused. Police say that the victim girl will be medically examined and then her statement will be recorded before the magistrate.

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