A post about Anupama fame Rupali Ganguly is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In the post, a girl named Isha Verma is claiming that Rupali Ganguly is her stepmother. Isha's father is Ashwin K Verma. Isha has made many revelations in the post, in which the actress has been described as a cruel woman. Isha told that because of him she had to separate from her father. Although there has been no reaction from the actress on these claims, but her husband Ashwin has reacted.
Ashwin Verma said- My younger daughter also…
Let us tell you that after this post, Rupali Ganguly's husband Ashwin Verma has written a long and detailed post on X. In the post he has defended his wife Rupali Ganguly. He wrote, I have two daughters from a previous relationship and this is something that Rupali Ganguly and I have always been open about and I care about it very much. I understand that my younger daughter is also sad about the breakup of her parents' relationship, because divorce is a difficult experience that has a negative impact on children.
Ashwin Verma said- One marriage is for many reasons…
Ashwin Verma further wrote, although a marriage ends for many reasons and I had many challenges in my relationship with my second wife, due to which we separated. I only want the best for my kids and wife and it saddens me to see the media pulling anyone into the cycle of negativity.
Let us tell you that Isha Sharma has also posted a picture with Ashwin Verma and Rupali Ganguly on her Instagram. Apart from this, the picture of Ashwin and his first wife Sapna Verma is also present on Isha's Instagram account.