The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on December 31, 2024. This is IT, kids. This is the big day, the last day of the year, the day we notoriously call ‘New Year’s Eve.’ Astrologically, we’re in pretty good shape for this very special day, and as the universe would have it, we’ve got Moon trine Uranus to see us through to the other side.
Moon trine Uranus tells us that if we feel like we’re the outsiders, the outliers, or the different ones that’s it’s OK to feel that way and even better to BE that way. This next year is about being real, staying true to ourselvesand loving life our way.
Four zodiac signs are going to cross the threshold in love and in the spirit of adventure, and with Moon trine Uranus to back that plan up, we guarantee ourselves a brilliant and positivity-filled New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year!
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What you’re about to do is so unique and thoroughly commendable that this day, December 31, 2024, may just go down in your personal history as one of the best. This act of bravery is influenced by a message from the universe which has you rejecting all the norms for the sake of sticking with what you believe in.
And you believe that life is good and worth feeling good about. You look around, and all you see are people complaining. if you stay on social media for too long, you start to feel depressed and depleted.
That is why you walk away from social media on this day because the universe is responsible for acts of rebellion, and while shutting off your smartphone for a few hours doesn’t exactly feel heroic, what it does for you is that it frees your mind so that you can hold tight to the believe that all is well in your world.
: How The Universe Warns Each Zodiac Sign When Their Life Is About To Change
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What you’re getting out of this last day of the year is a clear message from the universe that shows you that what you have right now is the best. You have no reason to doubt or worry about something in your life, and during the transit of Moon trine Uranus, you’ll see that ‘feeling good about yourself’ is rare.
And you’ve never minded being ‘rare’ or different. What makes you different is that you aren’t going ‘down with the ship,’ Virgo. You are maintaining your life and are supported by those who love you. Life is good in your world, and you refuse to see it otherwise. You rebel, you!
All in all, you’ll feel the presence of Moon trine Uranus in positive and stimulating ways. It’s New Year’s Eve, and you will throw yourself a little party. You’ll toast the new year in your own happy way, and then it’s off to bed with you. Sweet dreams!
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The funny thing about being a Libra is that while you’re known for your equipoise and balance, you are also the person in the crowd who will do the craziest stuff, and you may show a few people that you are that person.
It’s all good, though, and nothing to worry about. During the transit of Moon trine Uranus, many of us want to break out of our shells, if only for a little while. This may not lead to spontaneous interpretive dance or mime performances, but then again it could. You are not limited, Libra.
Moon trine Uranus directs you towards humor and lighthearted feelings, Libra. You aren’t taking it all too seriously on this last day of the year. You feel neither relieved nor charged up for the new year; you’re simply at peace with who you are, where you are, and how you are. All is well.
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This day, December 31, may make you reflect on what’s happened during the past year, but you know the universe is on your side, so whatever feelings you experience, you know they’re all part of the big plan.
And, in your case, Capricorn, that big plan includes knowing that everything that’s been done so far is just another stitch in the fabric that is your life. You feel calm during this New Year’s Eve; you’ve got plenty to look forward to and the mindset to believe it will all be spectacular.
So, whether you’re out, attending a party or tucked in, at home, watching the ball drop, Capricorn, you’re alright as you are. That’s what the universe wants you to know: you are alright, as is, just the way you are. Keep up the good attitude and have a happy New Year’s Eve.
: The Most Inherently Likable Trait Of Your Zodiac Sign
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
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