Recently Bollywood stars Govinda Shakti Kapoor and Chunky Pandey made a memorable appearance on The Great Indian Kapil Sharma Show delighting the audience with numerous hilarious stories. One of the funniest revelations came from Chunky Pandey who shared an amusing tale about how Shakti Kapoor helped him land 10 films in a single night only for most of them to fall through the next day.
Govindas Key Role in Chunky Pandey’s Success
During the show Chunky credited much of his career’s success to his friend and co-star Govinda. “Whatever I am today is because of Govinda. He helped me get my first film because he didn’t have any available dates” Chunky revealed with Govinda acknowledging the truth of the statement. It was from this very film that Chunky began to make a name for himself in the industry.
The Night When Chunky Signed 10 Films Later...
Chunky then took the audience back to a memorable night when he was introduced to a number of producers at a party thanks to Shakti Kapoor. “Shakti Kapoor ji helped me earn Rs 50000 that night. Back then Rs 50000 was like Rs 50 lakh today” Chunky laughed. “He took me around and introduced me to the producers telling them I was going to be a huge star. He even pulled money out of his pocket and handed it to me! That night I signed 10 films.”

But things didn’t go exactly as planned. The next day Chunky revealed that nine out of the ten producers asked for their money back. “In the end I only worked on one film” Chunky admitted. Shakti Kapoor always the prankster quipped “Do you really think he’d ever give the money back?” leaving the set in fits of laughter.

Shakti Kapoor also shared a hilarious incident involving Chunky and Salman Khan. He recalled how Chunky once took Salman to a clothing store claiming the shopkeeper was a huge fan of Salman. The shopkeeper not only refused to take money from Salman but also gave Chunky two packets filled with cash as a sponsorship deal for bringing Salman to the store. The whole set erupted with laughter at this funny exchange.
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Chunky Pandey’s stories highlighted not just his career but his incredible sense of humor and camaraderie with his fellow stars making the show one to remember!

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