There has been a strange incident in Buxar, Bihar. A large number of people had arrived here to go to the railway station Mahakumbh here. At the same time, DRM Jayant Chaudhary of Danapur division also reached. He asked these people that everyone has tickets, no, women replied in nor. After this, the DRM said that who said that all the officials including DRM were shocked to hear the reply given by the women in response to running the ticket.

These women took the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi directly. At that time, the officers explained the rules to all and advised them to travel with tickets. The video of this incident on Sunday afternoon is becoming very viral on social media. At that time, DRM Jayant Chaudhary of Danapur Railway Division was inspecting the necessary arrangements at the station along with the officials. During this time, he took stock of the ways to manage the crowd especially for Mahakumbh.

Officers were shocked to hear the answer

While walking, he approached a group of travelers going to Mahakumbh. There he asked the passengers about the ticket, then everyone refused. In such a situation, the DRM said that who has told him that you have to travel without tickets. A middle -aged woman answered this question. Said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked to walk without tickets. Said that the Prime Minister has made tickets free for Kumbh bath. All the officials were surprised to hear this.

Advice to cancel the journey when there is a crowd

Hearing this, all the officials including DRM were shocked. Then explaining the rules to everyone, asked to take the ticket only. After this, the DRM asked the officers to keep announcing with the mic. Also instructed the railway officials to motivate passengers to travel only by taking tickets. During this time, he also tried to convince the passengers that if the train was more crowded, he advised to postpone the journey.

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