Kankhajura: Kanakhajura often originates from the bathroom or kitchen pipe in the house. I am scared and scared to see the palm tree. Many people kill the palm tree on seeing it. Seeing the cockroach may also be afraid because it is believed that if the cockroach enters the ear, it can reach the brain and can ignore the mind. If you bite a mosquito, it can also cause itching and allergic problems in the body.
However, from the astrological point of view, the appearance of a palm tree in the house has a special meaning. Today we tell you that if the palm tree suddenly comes to the house, it is considered auspicious or inauspicious.
Is it auspicious or inauspicious to grow dates in the house?
According to astrology, Kanakhajura is considered to be the form of Rahu. Therefore, if Kanak dates grow in the house, it can have both auspicious and inauspicious effects. If you suddenly see a palm tree moving in your house, it is considered auspicious, that is, something good is going to happen in the near future.
– If the palm tree is seen in the temple of the house, then there is a possibility of getting some good news. If the palm tree grows in the temple, it is a sign of the arrival of wealth and prosperity.
– If a palm tree suddenly comes to your house and disappears in a few minutes, you do not know where it goes, then understand that your fate is going to be in your favor.
– If a sudden cockroach appears in the toilet or bathroom, it is considered inauspicious. This indication is found when Rahu is in a bad condition in the horoscope.
– If you see a palm tree in the dream, it means that you will be free from any old problem or disease. Seeing dates in a dream can also be a sign of promotion at the workplace.
– If you see a dead palm tree in your dream, then understand that in future your house is going to have a big problem. If you see yourself beating the palm tree in a dream, then understand that this is a sign of a solution to a problem of life.
– If you see palm trees for a few minutes in your dream and then they stop seeing, then understand that the closed doors of luck are about to open.
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