Bell juice There is a freshness and beneficial beverage for health. Bell fruit (which is considered very important in Ayurveda) helps improve digestion, keep the body cool and strengthen the immune system. It gets a lot of relief in summer. The method of making vine juice is very simple.

Method of making vine juice:


  • 1 vine fruit

  • 2-3 cups of water (as per taste)

  • 2-3 tablespoon sugar (as per taste)

  • 1/2 teaspoon black salt (as per taste)

  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)

  • Mint leaves (for decoration, if wish)

गर्मियों में रोजाना पिएं बेल का जूस, डायबिटीज से लेकर वेट लॉस तक में होगा  फायदा health benefits of Bael Juice can control diabetes weight loss boost  digestion, हेल्थ टिप्स - Hindustan


  1. Prepare bell fruit: First of all wash the vine fruit thoroughly. Cut the bell fruit half and remove its pulp. After extracting the pulp of the vine, put it in lukewarm water and then mash it well and extract its juice.

  2. Sieve the juice: After mashing the vine pulp well, filter it so that no seed or dirt goes into juice. You can use a sieve or muslin cloth.

  3. Make it like smoothie: Now put the vine juice in a grinder and add sugar, black salt, black pepper, and lemon juice (if you want). Then mix well.

  4. Mix water: Now you can add water to dilute the juice. Adjust it according to taste. Then mix well in the grinder again.

  5. cool off: Bell juice can be kept in the fridge to cool for some time or you can cool it immediately by adding ice cube.

  6. Serve: The juice is ready, take it out in the glass and serve it cold by decorating with mint leaves.


  • If you like juice more sweet, you can increase the amount of sugar.

  • Drinking vine juice in summer gives the body cool, and it also improves digestion.

  • You can also add a little ginger paste to the vine juice, which increases the taste of the juice even more.

This drink is very beneficial for health and also removes stomach problems, such as constipation, problems.

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