Oat Milk Recipe: Nowadays when everyone wants a change in their food and drink options, Oat Milk has set a new trend. It is not only lactose-free and nutritious, but its taste is so rich and creamy that you will want to drink it once and again. It is also very easy to make oat milk at home, and its advantages are so amazing that it has become a great option not only for Vegan and Lactose intolerant people, but for everyone.

Oat milk is the option of milk obtained from a plant, which is prepared from oats. To make it, the oats are soaked in water, then blend and filtered to separate the pulp. This milk is light sweet, creamy and tasted. Oat milk has no lactose, so this lactose is a great option for intolerant individuals and vegan.


1 cup rolled oats

4 cups filtered water

A pinch of salt (optional)

Sweetness (eg, maple syrup or date, optional)


High-power blender

Nut Milk Bag or Fine-Hesh Streine



If you want a creamy texture, soak the oats in water for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Then remove the water and blend it.

Insert soaked or dried oats, water, salt, sweetness and taste into the blender. Blend at high speed for 30-60 seconds, until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.

Sieve the mixture into a nut milk bag or fine-rate strainer and put it in a large pot or pitcher. Remove the liquid as much as possible by pressing the pulp.

You can fill the filtered oat milk in airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Now you can enjoy your own oat milk, which can be used instead of derivative milk in coffee, smoothie or any dish!


Oat milk does not contain lactose, which is a good choice for lactose intolerant individuals.


Oat milk contains nutrients such as vitamin B, calcium, iron and fiber, which are beneficial for bone health and digestion.

Good for heart health

Oats contain a fiber called beta-glucon, which helps in reducing cholesterol, which benefits heart health.

Help in weight loss

Oat milk contains less calories, and consuming it keeps the stomach filled for longer, which can prevent overwriting.

gluten free

If oats are processed properly, the oat milk is gluten-free, which is suitable for gluten sensitive individuals.

Beneficial for skin

Oats contain antioxidants that provide protection to the skin and help reduce inflammation.

Cholesterol control

The fiber present in oat milk helps reduce cholesterol levels, which improves heart health.

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