The problem of blood pressure (BP) has become very common nowadays, and if it is not controlled on time, it can cause heart disease, stroke and kidney problems. But do you know that Black mole (Black Sesame seeds) Can this problem be a natural and effective remedy for this problem? Black sesame is rich in nutrients and helps in controlling high blood pressure. Let's know about the benefits of black sesame and the right ways to consume it.
How does black mole help in blood pressure control?
1. Rich in magnesium – helpful in reducing blood pressure
2. Rich in antioxidants – keep the heart healthy
3. Healthy Fats – Reduce bad cholesterol
4. Potassium rich – keep blood circulation right
5. Reduce stress and anxiety
Other benefits of black mole for blood pressure patients
Strengthen bones – It contains calcium, magnesium and zinc, which is beneficial for bones.
Bet digestion – The fiber present in it makes the digestive system strong and relieves constipation.
Boost immunity – It contains zinc, iron and selenium, which makes the immune system strong.
How to consume blood pressure patient black sesame?
1. Black sesame decoction
How to make?
2. Black sesame oil
3. Consumption of roasted black sesame seeds
4. Sesame tea
Precautions in the intake of black sesame seeds
Avoid consuming excessive amounts, 1-2 teaspoons a day are sufficient.
If you have a problem of low BP, then consume it in limited quantity.
Consult a doctor before including any new thing in the diet.
Black sesame is a superfood, which is very effective in controlling high blood pressure. It is also beneficial for heart health, bones and digestive system.
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