Pollution and white hair problem

सफेद बालों से छुटकारा पाने लिए घरेलू उपाय उपाय: 7 दिन में पाएं बाल

Currently, we are facing many health problems due to increasing pollution. One of these major problems is to have quick white hair. We often use various chemical products, but white hair returns again and black hair also slowly starts to turn white. Therefore, resorting to natural measures is more beneficial. Now you do not need to worry, because there are some home remedies that you can get rid of your white hair problem. With these measures, you can black your hair forever in 7 days.

Remedy to darken white hair

To darken white hair you will need the following ingredients: half cup red tea (which we also call black tea), 2 teaspoons of frog powder, and 2 teaspoons indigo powder. Mix all these ingredients well and make a cream -like mixture. Then apply it on your hair for 1 hour and let it dry and wash it well later. This will make all your white hair black.

How to darken white hair forever

If you want to black your hair forever, then you will need 100 grams of gooseberry powder, 100 grams of black sesame, 20 grams of tea leaves, 10 grams of black pepper, 10 grams of frog powder and 30 grams curry leaf powder. Mix all these ingredients and make a powder. Then take the required amount of powder and make a paste by adding water to it. Keep this paste in an iron vessel overnight, because the iron pot is very important for this process. Mix a small amount of water in the morning and heat this paste in an iron vessel. When cooled, apply this paste to your hair and wash it thoroughly after 30 minutes. By doing this 2 times a week, your hair will be black forever.

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