New Delhi . If the night opens the night again and again, and if the problem like pain or insomnia continues to bother, then first of all, get your liver test test. This is the Nisha of fatty liver.

The problem of sleeplessness bothers many people. At the same time, there are some people who are upset due to sleep opening at night. Because many times do not come again after sleeping at night. In such a situation, many health issues start happening. At the same time, frequent sleep is called insomnia disease at night. But do you know that if your sleep opens between 1 o'clock in the night and 4 o'clock in the night, then the reason for this may be your liver.

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There is a sign of liver damage
According to a report by the Journal of Nature and Science of Sleep, there are symptoms of sleep disturbance liver damage at night. The common reason for the opening of sleep between 1 pm and 4 pm is the liver problem.

How to relate liver and sleep with each other
The body's organs play a special role to function in a systematic manner. Which works according to day and night. Between 1-3 pm at night, the liver does the work of detoxifying and cleaning the body. If there is a fat in the liver and there is a nonelcalic fatty liver disease, then it does not work properly, then the body has to install more energy for detoxifying. Because of which the nerve system starts indicating to get up from sleep.

Sleep is disturbed due to these reasons
Insomonia, restless leg syndrome, troubles the problems of sleepy and sleeplessness during the day due to liver failure. If you sleep again and again at night, first get your liver function test tested. So that measures can be taken to reduce problems like non -alcoholic fatty liver.

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