Benefits of mustard oil

सोने से पहले नाभि में तेल लगाने के अद्भुत जानें जानें

Applying mustard oil in the navel before bedtime is a beneficial remedy. This not only provides many health benefits to the body, but it also reduces knee pain and helps to increase eye light. Putting two drops of mustard oil in the navel before sleeping daily, the body remains healthy for a long time.

Putting mustard oil in the navel also increases the strength of bones and the strength of the muscles. Regular use of this will give you many health benefits. Therefore, include it in your daily life and also tell your family members its benefits. Many health problems are solved through the navel in Ayurveda. Using different types of oils provides amazing benefits to health and beauty.

The navel is the central point of our body, which is attached to the blood vessels of all organs.

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