Dwyane Wade has spoken about his struggle with kidney cancer in the past and how he had to get a large portion of his kidney - around 40% - removed a year ago. The retired NBA star is now on a mission to raise awareness about kidney cancer. In a recent interview with Today, he shared early warning signs that people tend to ignore. He said that although he noticed some of them, he didn't think it was anything to worry about.
While the diagnosis with Stage 1 kidney cancer at age 41 shook him initially but taught him many lessons, the most crucial one being the importance of listening to his body.
“I didn’t think nothing of it,” Wade admitted during an interview with Today, explaining that he initially ignored the early warning signs. At the time, he felt “pretty healthy” but decided to schedule a checkup for peace of mind after his father’s prostate cancer diagnosis.
Symptoms he ignoredWade discussed with his physician about some small but unusual changes in his urination including a slow stream. “Sometimes when I would go to the bathroom, my urine would come out little slow," he said.
According to Cancer Research UK, kidney cancer develops when abnormal cells in either of the kidneys start to divide and grow in an uncontrolled way.
Blood in the urine, lump in the kidney area, pain during urination, or changes in frequency of urination, or changes in the quantity can all be signs of kidney cancer. Like other cancers, these signs may also appear to be symptoms of other conditions. However, it's important to get them checked.
“I had some cramps, some pain, a little bit at times in my stomach that I did not understand,” Wade said.
Wade said that he was surprised when the doctors found out the growth on his kidneys, as he had suspected issues with his stomach or prostate.
Persistent pain in the side, back, or abdomen is a symptom in about 10% of kidney cancer patients, typically presenting as a dull, lingering ache that worsens over time rather than a sudden sharp pain, according to the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Warning signs of kidney cancerWhile Wade still had some symptoms, in many cases, there are no noticeable symptoms with kidney in early stages.
Some of the symptoms include:
A mass in the abdomen, side, or back (not caused by injury)
Fatigue and unexplained weight loss
Persistent fever
Loss of appetite
These symptoms can also be linked to other, less serious conditions, and people may not take any action or go to their physician.
The second MRI confirmed the doctor's suspicion and a mass was found in one of Wade's kidneys which required urgent attention in order to prevent it from spreading to other organs. While hearing the word 'cancer' sent him into panic mode, but he realized he had to act soon.
In December 2023, Wade underwent surgery with his wife, actress Gabrielle Union, and his father by his side. When his doctor later confirmed that the tumor was indeed cancerous but caught early, Wade felt immense relief.
“Thank God that we caught it early,” he said. “It wasn’t something that was able to grow. It was about 3 centimeters on my kidney.”
Wade is now cancer-free and healthy and wants to use his story to spread awareness around kidney cancer.
“When people hear cancer, obviously, immediately they think it’s over. But it’s really helped me,” Wade said. “I think being able to speak about it in an environment with other men that I know, a lot of us are not going to check ourselves out if we don’t feel nothing. If nothing is happening, we’re like, ‘We’re good.’ And I want us to get over that. I want us to grow from that.”
Kidney cancer is among the 10 most common cancers in the US. It's more common in men than in women, and the risk increases with age.
Kidney cancer is treatable during early stages and the chances of survival for Stage 1 kidney cancer is 93%. This can drop to just 18% in case of advanced stages diagnosis.
Causes of kidney cancerKidney cancer can be caused by lifestyle factors like smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and poor diet. Medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and genetic syndromes also increase risk. Exposure to toxins, long-term painkiller use, and radiation may contribute, while men over 50 face higher susceptibility. Early detection is key, as kidney cancer is often treatable when caught early.
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