Women deal with menstrual cramps every month. According to statistics, more than half of women suffer from menstrual pain every month. It is said that the symptoms of menstrual pain in women vary from woman to woman.
Stomach pain occurs due to hormonal changes during menstruation. Along with this, the decline in progesterone levels affects the digestive system. This causes constipation, diarrhea and stomach ache. Apart from pain during menstruation, 40 percent of women also start feeling some symptoms in the body. Symptoms include abdominal bloating and pain, breast tenderness, lack of concentration, mood swings, stiffness and feeling tired.
According to RadcliffeLabs Dr. Divya Rohra, women often resort to painkillers to get relief from pain during menstruation. Because of this, side effects are seen more. Therefore, if you are troubled by menstruation, then adopt some home remedies. Period pain can be easily relieved with home remedies and it does not have any side effects on the body.
If you are troubled by stomach ache and cramps then apply warm water on the stomach. Placing a hot water bag, heating pad or hot water bottle on the stomach can provide relief from muscle cramps. Applying a hot water bag or heat pad improves circulation around the abdomen.
Some exercises are very effective in getting relief from period pain. To get relief from such pain, some aerobic exercises like walking, jogging or stretching can be done. Exercise improves blood circulation. It also provides relief from muscle pain and cramps.
Consuming herbal teas like lavender and peppermint can provide relief from pain and discomfort during periods. Teas like peppermint and chamomile can significantly reduce menstrual pain. Chamomile tea helps regulate prostaglandin action in the body and increases blood circulation during menstrual pain.
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