Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Haryana government of "poisoning" the Yamuna river water, which supplies drinking water to the national capital. The Election Commission of India (ECI) has now sought a factual report from the Nayab Singh Saini-led government in Haryana on the matter.
The controversy erupted after Delhi CM Atishi and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann moved the EC on Monday, alleging high ammonia levels in the water supplied from Haryana to Delhi, impacting the water supply during the ongoing assembly election process. According to news agency PTI, sources said the EC has directed the Haryana government to submit a factual report by noon on Tuesday. The 70-member Delhi Assembly goes to polls on February 5, with counting scheduled for February 8.
Kejriwal launched a scathing attack on the Haryana government, comparing the situation to a war-like act. He alleged, “The people of Delhi get water to drink from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. In Yamuna, water flows into Delhi from Haryana. BJP’s Haryana government has poisoned the water in Yamuna. However, the Delhi Jal Board was vigilant enough to stop that water from coming to Delhi; otherwise, it would have caused mass genocide in Delhi.”
He further claimed, “The BJP government has mixed such poison in the water that it cannot be treated even by water treatment plants. It has caused water scarcity in one-third of Delhi. Such politics is done by enemy countries—like how the USA bombed Japan with nuclear bombs. Some countries use biological weapons to poison river water. The same has been done by the BJP government. They have done this to create chaos in Delhi so that people die and AAP gets blamed.”
Kejriwal added that Atishi and Bhagwant Mann had written to the Election Commission and sought an urgent meeting on the matter. “I hope the Election Commission will intervene and protect the people of Delhi from such a tragedy,” he said.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini strongly refuted the allegations, accusing Kejriwal of making baseless claims.
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