New Delhi New Delhi: The government on Monday invited applications for the post of Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The three -year term of Madhavi Puri Buch, the current chairman of SEBI, ends on February 28. Butch took over as the president of SEBI on March 2, 2022. The Department of Economic Affairs under the Ministry of Economic Affairs has invited applications from candidates till 17 February in a public advertisement. The Ministry said, “From the date of taking over the appointment charge For a maximum period of 5 years or until the appointed person attains 65 years of age, whichever is earlier, will be done. ”
The advertisement states that the Speaker will get a salary equal to the Secretary of the Government of India, which is Rs 5,62,500 per month (without house and car). The ministry also said that the role and importance of SEBI as a regulator is also in mind Keeping, the candidate should have “high loyalty, prestige and reputation, preferably more than 50 years and professional experience of over 25 years”.
Candidates should have a special knowledge or experience of “the ability to deal with the problems to the securities markets, or the special knowledge or experience of law, finance, economics, accounting, which will be useful for the board in the opinion of the Central Government”. That “the Speaker should be a person who does not have any financial or other interests, who are likely to adversely affect his work as the Speaker.”
The government will appoint a SEBI chairman on the recommendation of the Financial Sector Regulatory Regulatory Receipt Search Committee (FSRASC). It states that the committee is free to recommend any other person on the basis of merit, who has not applied for the post.
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