Lifestyle news desk,There are different fruits in this cold season, one of which is strawberry. It is a succulent and tasty fruit which is also very beneficial for health. This small fruit contains nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fibers, anti-oxidants and polyphenol compounds. It is used in many ways, but its use in shake is well liked. Most people like to drink thick milkshake found in the market, while it becomes quite thin when it is made at home. If you also like thick milkshake, then know what to do for thickness.
To make thick strawberries you need
8-10 strawberries
500 ml milk
Chinese taste
How to make thick milk shake
To make it, it is necessary to clean the strawberries first. To remove strawberry dirt, pesticides and bacteria, you should wash the strawberries with vinegar and baking soda. For this, add 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 tbsp baking soda in 1 bowl of water. Let it get wet for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it thoroughly with fresh water. Wash the strawberries two to three times with clean water. Then keep the cleaned strawberries in freeze for at least 4 hours. If you want to drink this shake for breakfast, then you can also freeze for overnight. Then add milk, frozen strawberries and sugar to a blender. After blending well, take out in a glass glass. These days you can avoid ice, but if you feel good milk shake then you can add ice while blend. If you are a health freak, then you can use honey or jaggery instead of sugar to make it. Along with this, milk can also be used instead of full cream.
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